Uses of Class

Packages that use SessionDescription
net.sourceforge.jsdp Classes for encoding and decoding SDP messages. 

Uses of SessionDescription in net.sourceforge.jsdp

Methods in net.sourceforge.jsdp that return SessionDescription
static SessionDescription SDPFactory.createSessionDescription()
          Returns a new, empty, SessionDescrition.
static SessionDescription SDPFactory.parseSessionDescription(File file)
          Reads data from a file and constructs the equivalent SessionDescription.
static SessionDescription SDPFactory.parseSessionDescription(InputStream stream)
          Reads data from a stream and constructs the equivalent SessionDescription.
static SessionDescription SDPFactory.parseSessionDescription(String input)
          Parse an input string and constructs the equivalent SessionDescription.
static SessionDescription SDPFactory.parseSessionDescription(String[] fields)
          Parse the strings contained in an array and constructs the equivalent SessionDescription.

Methods in net.sourceforge.jsdp with parameters of type SessionDescription
static void SDPFactory.encode(SessionDescription sd, OutputStream stream)
          Write a SessionDescription to an output stream, using the default enconding.
static void SDPFactory.encode(SessionDescription sd, String encoding, OutputStream stream)
          Write a SessionDescription to an output stream, using a specified encoding.

Constructors in net.sourceforge.jsdp with parameters of type SessionDescription
SessionDescription(SessionDescription sd)
          Creates a SessionDescription.

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