Packages that use SDPException | |
net.sourceforge.jsdp | Classes for encoding and decoding SDP messages. |
net.sourceforge.jsdp.util | Support classes for SDP protocol. |
Uses of SDPException in net.sourceforge.jsdp |
Subclasses of SDPException in net.sourceforge.jsdp | |
class |
This exception is thrown when an error occurs while parsing an SDP message or an SDP field. |
Methods in net.sourceforge.jsdp that throw SDPException | |
void |
SessionDescription.addMediaDescription(MediaDescription md)
Adds a media description. |
void |
Media.addMediaFormat(String format)
Adds a media format. |
void |
RepeatTime.addOffset(long offset)
Adds an offset to the field. |
void |
TimeZone.addZoneAdjustment(Date time,
long offset)
Add a zone adjustment to the field. |
static Attribute |
SDPFactory.createAttribute(String name)
Returns a new Attribute |
static Attribute |
SDPFactory.createAttribute(String name,
String value)
Returns a new Attribute |
static Bandwith |
SDPFactory.createBandwith(String modifier,
int value)
Returns a new Bandwith. |
static Connection |
SDPFactory.createConnection(String resource)
Returns a new Connection. |
static Email |
SDPFactory.createEmail(String info)
Returns a new Email. |
static Information |
SDPFactory.createInformation(String value)
Returns a new Information. |
static Key |
SDPFactory.createKey(String method,
String key)
Returns a new Key. |
static Media |
SDPFactory.createMedia(String media,
int port,
int portsCount,
String protocol,
String format)
Returns a new Media. |
static Media |
SDPFactory.createMedia(String media,
int port,
String protocol,
String format)
Returns a new Media. |
static Origin |
Returnss a new Origin. |
static Origin |
SDPFactory.createOrigin(long sessionVersion,
String address)
Returns a new Origin. |
static Origin |
SDPFactory.createOrigin(String address)
Returns a new Origin. |
static Origin |
SDPFactory.createOrigin(String user,
long sessionID,
long sessionVersion,
String address)
Returns a new Origin. |
static Origin |
SDPFactory.createOrigin(String user,
long sessionVersion,
String address)
Returns a new Origin. |
static Phone |
SDPFactory.createPhone(String number)
Returns a new Phone. |
static RepeatTime |
SDPFactory.createRepeatTime(long repeatInterval,
long activeDuration,
long offset)
Returns a new RepeatTime. |
static RepeatTime |
SDPFactory.createRepeatTime(long repeatInterval,
long activeDuration,
long[] offsets)
Returns a new RepeatTime. |
static SessionDescription |
Returns a new, empty, SessionDescrition. |
static SessionName |
SDPFactory.createSessionName(String value)
Returns a new SessionName. |
static Time |
SDPFactory.createTime(Date start,
Date stop)
Returns a new Time. |
static Time |
SDPFactory.createTime(long start,
long stop)
Returns a new Time. |
static TimeZone |
SDPFactory.createTimeZone(Date time,
long offset)
Returns a new TimeZone. |
static Uri |
SDPFactory.createUri(String url)
Returns a new Uri. |
void |
RepeatTime.setActiveDuration(long activeDuration)
Sets the active duration. |
void |
Connection.setAddress(String address)
Sets the network address. |
void |
Origin.setAddress(String address)
Sets the session originator host address. |
void |
Connection.setAddress(String address,
int ttl)
Sets the network address. |
void |
Connection.setAddress(String address,
int ttl,
int addresses)
Sets the network address. |
void |
Email.setEmail(String email)
Sets the e-mail address of the contact. |
void |
Key.setKey(String key)
Sets the encryption key. |
void |
SessionDescription.setMediaDescriptions(MediaDescription[] descriptions)
Sets media descriptions. |
void |
Media.setMediaFormats(String[] formats)
Sets the media formats. |
void |
Media.setMediaType(String media)
Sets the media type. |
void |
Key.setMethod(String method)
Sets the encryption method. |
void |
Bandwith.setModifier(String modifier)
Sets the bandwith modifier. |
void |
Attribute.setName(String name)
Sets the name of the attribute. |
void |
Phone.setName(String name)
Sets phone user name. |
void |
RepeatTime.setOffset(long[] offsets)
Set the list of offsets. |
void |
Email.setPersonal(String personal)
Sets the personal information of the contact |
void |
Phone.setPhoneNumber(String number)
Sets the phone number. |
void |
Media.setPort(int port)
Sets the media transport port. |
void |
Media.setPortsCount(int n)
Sets the number of transport ports where the media stream will be sent. |
void |
Media.setProtocol(String protocol)
Sets the protocol over which this media should be transmitted. |
void |
RepeatTime.setRepeatInterval(long repeatInterval)
Sets the repeat interval. |
void |
Origin.setSessionID(long sessionID)
Sets the session identifier. |
void |
Origin.setSessionVersion(long sessionVersion)
Sets the session version. |
void |
Time.setStartTime(Date start)
Sets the start time of the session. |
void |
Time.setStartTime(long start)
Sets the start time of the session. |
void |
Time.setStopTime(Date stop)
Sets the stop time of the session. |
void |
Time.setStopTime(long stop)
Sets the stop time of the session. |
void |
Uri.setURL(String url)
Sets the uri value. |
void |
Origin.setUser(String user)
Sets the name of the session originator. |
protected void |
Version.setValue(int version)
Sets the SDP protocol version |
void |
Bandwith.setValue(int value)
Sets the bandwith value. |
void |
SessionName.setValue(String value)
Sets the session name. |
void |
Information.setValue(String value)
Sets the session information. |
void |
Attribute.setValue(String value)
Sets the value of this attribute. |
Constructors in net.sourceforge.jsdp that throw SDPException | |
Attribute(String name)
Creates a new Attribute. |
Attribute(String name,
String value)
Creates a new Attribute. |
Bandwith(String modifier,
int value)
Creates a new Bandwith. |
Connection(String resource)
Creates a new Connection. |
Email(String info)
Creates a new Email. |
Information(String value)
Creates a new Information. |
Key(String method,
String key)
Creates a new Key. |
Media(String media,
int port,
int portsCount,
String protocol,
String format)
Creates a new Media. |
Media(String media,
int port,
String protocol,
String format)
Creates a new Media. |
Creates a new Origin. |
Origin(long sessionVersion,
String address)
Creates a new Origin. |
Origin(String address)
Creates a new Origin. |
Origin(String user,
long sessionID,
long sessionVersion,
String address)
Creates a new Origin. |
Origin(String user,
long sessionVersion,
String address)
Creates a new Origin. |
Phone(String number)
Creates a new Phone. |
RepeatTime(long repeatInterval,
long activeDuration,
long offset)
Creates a new RepeatTime. |
RepeatTime(long repeatInterval,
long activeDuration,
long[] offsets)
Creates a new RepeatTime. |
SessionName(String value)
Creates a new SessionName. |
Time(Date start,
Date stop)
Creates a new Time. |
Time(long start,
long stop)
Creates a new Time. |
TimeZone(Date time,
long offset)
Creates a new TimeZone. |
Uri(String url)
Creates a new Uri. |
Uses of SDPException in net.sourceforge.jsdp.util |
Methods in net.sourceforge.jsdp.util that throw SDPException | |
static long |
TypedTime.getTime(String input)
Returns the long value of a typed time. |
void |
Contact.setAddress(String address)
Sets the e-mail address of the contact. |
void |
Address.setAddress(String address)
Sets the address value |
void |
Resource.setAddresses(int addresses)
Sets the number of addresses of the resource. |
void |
Contact.setPersonal(String personal)
Sets the personal information of the contact. |
void |
ZoneAdjustment.setTime(long time)
Sets the adjustment time. |
void |
Resource.setTTL(int ttl)
Sets the resource TTL. |
Constructors in net.sourceforge.jsdp.util that throw SDPException | |
Address(String address)
Creates a new Address. |
Contact(String info)
Creates a new Contact. |
Contact(String address,
String personal)
Creates a new Contact. |
Resource(String address)
Creates a new Resource. |
Resource(String address,
int ttl)
Creates a new Resource. |
Resource(String address,
int ttl,
int addresses)
Creates a new Resource. |
ZoneAdjustment(Date time,
long offset)
Creates a new ZoneAdjustment. |
ZoneAdjustment(long time,
long offset)
Creates a new ZoneAdjustment. |