Uses of Class

Packages that use SDPException
net.sourceforge.jsdp Classes for encoding and decoding SDP messages. 
net.sourceforge.jsdp.util Support classes for SDP protocol. 

Uses of SDPException in net.sourceforge.jsdp

Subclasses of SDPException in net.sourceforge.jsdp
 class SDPParseException
          This exception is thrown when an error occurs while parsing an SDP message or an SDP field.

Methods in net.sourceforge.jsdp that throw SDPException
 void SessionDescription.addMediaDescription(MediaDescription md)
          Adds a media description.
 void Media.addMediaFormat(String format)
          Adds a media format.
 void RepeatTime.addOffset(long offset)
          Adds an offset to the field.
 void TimeZone.addZoneAdjustment(Date time, long offset)
          Add a zone adjustment to the field.
static Attribute SDPFactory.createAttribute(String name)
          Returns a new Attribute
static Attribute SDPFactory.createAttribute(String name, String value)
          Returns a new Attribute
static Bandwith SDPFactory.createBandwith(String modifier, int value)
          Returns a new Bandwith.
static Connection SDPFactory.createConnection(String resource)
          Returns a new Connection.
static Email SDPFactory.createEmail(String info)
          Returns a new Email.
static Information SDPFactory.createInformation(String value)
          Returns a new Information.
static Key SDPFactory.createKey(String method, String key)
          Returns a new Key.
static Media SDPFactory.createMedia(String media, int port, int portsCount, String protocol, String format)
          Returns a new Media.
static Media SDPFactory.createMedia(String media, int port, String protocol, String format)
          Returns a new Media.
static Origin SDPFactory.createOrigin()
          Returnss a new Origin.
static Origin SDPFactory.createOrigin(long sessionVersion, String address)
          Returns a new Origin.
static Origin SDPFactory.createOrigin(String address)
          Returns a new Origin.
static Origin SDPFactory.createOrigin(String user, long sessionID, long sessionVersion, String address)
          Returns a new Origin.
static Origin SDPFactory.createOrigin(String user, long sessionVersion, String address)
          Returns a new Origin.
static Phone SDPFactory.createPhone(String number)
          Returns a new Phone.
static RepeatTime SDPFactory.createRepeatTime(long repeatInterval, long activeDuration, long offset)
          Returns a new RepeatTime.
static RepeatTime SDPFactory.createRepeatTime(long repeatInterval, long activeDuration, long[] offsets)
          Returns a new RepeatTime.
static SessionDescription SDPFactory.createSessionDescription()
          Returns a new, empty, SessionDescrition.
static SessionName SDPFactory.createSessionName(String value)
          Returns a new SessionName.
static Time SDPFactory.createTime(Date start, Date stop)
          Returns a new Time.
static Time SDPFactory.createTime(long start, long stop)
          Returns a new Time.
static TimeZone SDPFactory.createTimeZone(Date time, long offset)
          Returns a new TimeZone.
static Uri SDPFactory.createUri(String url)
          Returns a new Uri.
 void RepeatTime.setActiveDuration(long activeDuration)
          Sets the active duration.
 void Connection.setAddress(String address)
          Sets the network address.
 void Origin.setAddress(String address)
          Sets the session originator host address.
 void Connection.setAddress(String address, int ttl)
          Sets the network address.
 void Connection.setAddress(String address, int ttl, int addresses)
          Sets the network address.
 void Email.setEmail(String email)
          Sets the e-mail address of the contact.
 void Key.setKey(String key)
          Sets the encryption key.
 void SessionDescription.setMediaDescriptions(MediaDescription[] descriptions)
          Sets media descriptions.
 void Media.setMediaFormats(String[] formats)
          Sets the media formats.
 void Media.setMediaType(String media)
          Sets the media type.
 void Key.setMethod(String method)
          Sets the encryption method.
 void Bandwith.setModifier(String modifier)
          Sets the bandwith modifier.
 void Attribute.setName(String name)
          Sets the name of the attribute.
 void Phone.setName(String name)
          Sets phone user name.
 void RepeatTime.setOffset(long[] offsets)
          Set the list of offsets.
 void Email.setPersonal(String personal)
          Sets the personal information of the contact
 void Phone.setPhoneNumber(String number)
          Sets the phone number.
 void Media.setPort(int port)
          Sets the media transport port.
 void Media.setPortsCount(int n)
          Sets the number of transport ports where the media stream will be sent.
 void Media.setProtocol(String protocol)
          Sets the protocol over which this media should be transmitted.
 void RepeatTime.setRepeatInterval(long repeatInterval)
          Sets the repeat interval.
 void Origin.setSessionID(long sessionID)
          Sets the session identifier.
 void Origin.setSessionVersion(long sessionVersion)
          Sets the session version.
 void Time.setStartTime(Date start)
          Sets the start time of the session.
 void Time.setStartTime(long start)
          Sets the start time of the session.
 void Time.setStopTime(Date stop)
          Sets the stop time of the session.
 void Time.setStopTime(long stop)
          Sets the stop time of the session.
 void Uri.setURL(String url)
          Sets the uri value.
 void Origin.setUser(String user)
          Sets the name of the session originator.
protected  void Version.setValue(int version)
          Sets the SDP protocol version
 void Bandwith.setValue(int value)
          Sets the bandwith value.
 void SessionName.setValue(String value)
          Sets the session name.
 void Information.setValue(String value)
          Sets the session information.
 void Attribute.setValue(String value)
          Sets the value of this attribute.

Constructors in net.sourceforge.jsdp that throw SDPException
Attribute(String name)
          Creates a new Attribute.
Attribute(String name, String value)
          Creates a new Attribute.
Bandwith(String modifier, int value)
          Creates a new Bandwith.
Connection(String resource)
          Creates a new Connection.
Email(String info)
          Creates a new Email.
Information(String value)
          Creates a new Information.
Key(String method, String key)
          Creates a new Key.
Media(String media, int port, int portsCount, String protocol, String format)
          Creates a new Media.
Media(String media, int port, String protocol, String format)
          Creates a new Media.
          Creates a new Origin.
Origin(long sessionVersion, String address)
          Creates a new Origin.
Origin(String address)
          Creates a new Origin.
Origin(String user, long sessionID, long sessionVersion, String address)
          Creates a new Origin.
Origin(String user, long sessionVersion, String address)
          Creates a new Origin.
Phone(String number)
          Creates a new Phone.
RepeatTime(long repeatInterval, long activeDuration, long offset)
          Creates a new RepeatTime.
RepeatTime(long repeatInterval, long activeDuration, long[] offsets)
          Creates a new RepeatTime.
SessionName(String value)
          Creates a new SessionName.
Time(Date start, Date stop)
          Creates a new Time.
Time(long start, long stop)
          Creates a new Time.
TimeZone(Date time, long offset)
          Creates a new TimeZone.
Uri(String url)
          Creates a new Uri.

Uses of SDPException in net.sourceforge.jsdp.util

Methods in net.sourceforge.jsdp.util that throw SDPException
static long TypedTime.getTime(String input)
          Returns the long value of a typed time.
 void Contact.setAddress(String address)
          Sets the e-mail address of the contact.
 void Address.setAddress(String address)
          Sets the address value
 void Resource.setAddresses(int addresses)
          Sets the number of addresses of the resource.
 void Contact.setPersonal(String personal)
          Sets the personal information of the contact.
 void ZoneAdjustment.setTime(long time)
          Sets the adjustment time.
 void Resource.setTTL(int ttl)
          Sets the resource TTL.

Constructors in net.sourceforge.jsdp.util that throw SDPException
Address(String address)
          Creates a new Address.
Contact(String info)
          Creates a new Contact.
Contact(String address, String personal)
          Creates a new Contact.
Resource(String address)
          Creates a new Resource.
Resource(String address, int ttl)
          Creates a new Resource.
Resource(String address, int ttl, int addresses)
          Creates a new Resource.
ZoneAdjustment(Date time, long offset)
          Creates a new ZoneAdjustment.
ZoneAdjustment(long time, long offset)
          Creates a new ZoneAdjustment.

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